
Sustainability of the Rotuman Culture, Identity and Heritage through Sharing and Nurturing.


To Unite the Rotuman people through participation in cultural activities that will educate and promote cultural values, skills and ideas.


  1. Human Dignity and Integrity – The Fiji Rotuman Association (FRA) affirms that human dignity and integrity is at the heart of all its activities and promotes this through cultural performances and expressions.
  2. Unity in Diversity – FRA will strive to unite the Rotuman communities for the sustainability of a common Rotuman identity through its culture while respecting differing individuals, group ideas and expressions.
  3. Peace and Justice – FRA affirms that peace and justice are the corner stones of a secure, vibrant, creative and compassionate nation and in this respect, further affirms that one of the essential tasks of the FRA is to enhance and strengthen communities of peace and justice in all their activities.
  4. Partnership and Advocacy – FRA has a strong commitment towards building partnerships and to participate with other organisations to educate the public and advocate for the sustainability of cultures and identities.
  5. Financial Sustainability – FRA believes that its work as an advocate will be needed for many years into the future. Therefore, we strive to deliver our mission with thoughtful strategic choices that ensure we have sufficient financial resources.
  6. Integrity and Accountability – The FRA adheres to the highest level of integrity in its administrative, service, and outreach activities; we tie these activities directly to our mission, and we maintain and report our records accurately.
  7. Environmental Sustainability – The FRA recognises the importance of a sustainable environment for our global community and is committed to reducing waste and contributing to a sustainable future. We will work in a responsible manner that reaches a balance between environmental, technical, economic and social objectives.