FRA Rotuma Day Celebrations 2024, hosted by Itu’ti’u District

The Chief Guests was Her Excellency, the European Union Ambassador, Ms Barbara Plinkert. FRA was blessed to have the presence of the Chairman of Rotuma Island Council and Chief of Itu’muta, Gagaj Manav and Chief of Pepjei, Gagaj Suakma’as distinguished guests at this year’s Rotuma Day Celebrations.

FRA Website was officially launched by Her Excellency Barbara Plinkert, Ambassador of the European Union to the Pacific on 18th May 2024 in which it coincides with the Rotuma Day Celebrations, 17 – 18 May 2024 at Vodafone Arena in Suva.


  • The FRA Website was officially launched by Her Excellency Barbara Plinkert, Ambassador of the European Union to the Pacific on 18th May 2024 in which it coincides with the Rotuma Day Celebrations, 17 – 18 May 2024 at Vodafone Arena in Suva.
  • We are now delighted to have launched the newly designed and developed website of the Fiji Rotuman Association.
  • The website is at
  • Members and the general public can expect news and special announcement updates here; find out about our upcoming events and general information for members such as learning and development opportunities.
  • The new website features a new more current look and feel and was designed and developed by The Webmedia South Pacific Team. Webmedia South Pacific is one of largest digital marketing project in the history of the South Pacific.  We were very happy to support an aspiring and successful business like yours.
  • So please take some time to visit and let us know what you think.
  • We’ve also started our Twitter account – follow us – our Twitter Handle is @FijiRotuman

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Rotuma Island Council and Fiji Rotuman Association

In an effort to enhance partnership, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed today, 18th May 2024 associated with the Rotuma Day Celebrations held at Vodafone Arena, between the Council of Rotuma (COR) and Fiji Rotuman Association (FRA).  The MOU was signed by COR Chairman and Chief of Itu’muta, Gagaj Manav and Chairman FRA, Mr Victor Fatiaki; and witnessed by Legal representative, Barristor and Solicitor, Ms Vamarasi T. Faktaufon, regarding community coordination and collaboration.

“Today’s celebration, marks a very important milestone and that is the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Rotuma and the Fiji Rotuman Association in which we will witness today.  This Memorandum of Understanding serves as a future guideline of the working relationship between the Council of Rotuma and Fiji Rotuman Association.”

The MOU affirms the roles, responsibilities and establishment of the Fiji Rotuman Association (FRA) and Council of Rotuma (COR) in their working relationship and partnership.

Address by Chairman of the FRA, Mr Victor Fatiaki at the 2024 Rotuma Day Celebrations held in Suva and he highlighted that the theme this year is HONOUR AND CHERISH ROTUMA IN HER SPIRITUALITY, LAND, CULTURE AND LANGUAGE and translate in Rotuman language A’PUMUA’AKIA MA A’FUMOU’AKIA ROTUMA ‘E ‘ON ROTU, HANUA, AGA MA FAEGA.”

QR Code for ease of registration online for a-week Rotuma Day Celebrations 2024 held at the Vodafone Arena, Suva.

CHANGING THE ROTUMAN NARRATIVE – A Panel Discussion of the people, for the people and by the people held at USP Lower Campus on 16th May 2024

To “change the Rotuman narrative” is thus an ongoing process of ensuring that the voices of Rotumans are heard, their culture is respected, and their history is accurately represented.  This can involve collaboration between community members, scholars, and policymakers to create a more comprehensive and equitable understanding of Rotuman heritage and identity.

The various panel of speakers from Religion, Communications and Women, Finances and Budgets, Fashion and Arts, Youth and Environment and Climate Change perceptions highlighting their role in embodying the Rotuman narrative.  By focusing on the idea that “to change the narrative, be the narrative,” the panel discussion can inspire and empower the Rotuman community to actively shape and share their own stories, ensuring that their voices are heard and respected.


Rotuma Day is a major event celebrated in May annually to bring Rotumans together to speak the language, witness traditional dancing and showcase handicraft work, food crops competition by men and many other talent from all segments; women, men and youths.

“This week, our activities started on the 13th day – the Rotuma day itself – with a night full of prayers from the 7 districts, acknowledging our Creator, a medley of our oral Rotuman language for all ages, and a traditional dance by our inter-tertiary university Rotuman youths.”

FRA Rotuma Day Celebrations 2023, hosted by Oinafa District

After a lapse of two years of Covid-19 lockdown, then the Fiji Rotuman Association was able to organise a Rotuma Day Celebration (RDC) where all the Rotumans get together to witness the men’s root crop competition, women’s handicraft and the Rotuman cultural dances presented by the members.

The theme for this year is “Celebrating our Cultural Heritage” in Rotuman language “Teag ‘Esea ‘E ‘Ofa La A’ne’ne’akia ‘Os Ag Fak Hanua”.

FRA Chairman and Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Finance at two-days Rotuma Day Celebrations 2023 in Suva.
Chief Guests; Dr John Fatiaki and Mrs Sineva Fatiaki at the Rotuma Day Celebrations held at FMF National Gymnasium in Suva.
Host District Oinafa Performing their Traditional Dance (Tautoag Soko